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Community highlights: 22nd edition

The 22nd edition of the Home Assistant Community Highlights! Some interesting things have popped up in our community that we thought were worth sharing.

Would you like to share something for the next issue? About how to share.

Intern at Home Assistant Energy

Blueprint of the week

Are you one of those people who always keep the doors open?

Then we have a nice blueprint for you this week! BasTijs
has created a blueprint that announces via text-to-speech in the house that a door is open and only stops when the door is closed again.

Try it! Read more about it on the Community forum or install this automation in your instance by clicking the My button!

Sun card

Preview of the sun map

On our Home Assistant reddit On the other side we came across another nice project, namely that of AitorDB. Who made one
Lovelace card that shows the position of the sun when it rises, reaches its highest point and sets again.

Folded map

Is your Lovelace dashboard cluttered with maps and want to free up some space? Then try the card from RossMcMillan92, which makes it possible to collapse entire cards and display them again as a dropdown.

Hyperion – HA bridge

You have such TVs that have LEDs on the back so that the colors of the TV continue over the wall behind, this is also known as Ambilight. If your TV doesn’t have it, you can do it yourself via the Hyperion project. pimw
also wrote one Instruction mail
to do this on ours Community forum how to connect the bridge to Home Assistant.

Do you have a tip for the next issue?

Did you see (or do) something great, interesting, unique, amazing, inspiring, unusual or funny with Home Assistant?

Click here to send us your suggestion for a community highlight.

Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us on social media:

See you next edition!

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